Splunk my Garmin - Get the data in - Part 1

Splunk my Garmin Series

  • Part 1: Get the data in
  • [Part 2: Make sense of TrackPoint]
  • [Part 3: Build the app]
  • [Part 4: Investigate the API]
  • [Part 5: ???]

Ever since Dave wrote about Downhill Splunking I’ve wanted to suck my Garmin Connect activities into Splunk and explore. This is the first of a multi-part post on my experience doing so.

Where my files at?

I’ve been using Tapiriik for a long time to sync my Garmin activities to Endomondo. At the time I decided what’s the harm in putting them in Dropbox. Turns out that was a great idea, because I now have a year’s worth of data to play with.

Splunk it up!

Start by creating a fitness app. All sourcetypes, macros, extractions, dashboards etc are going to go in here. Once I’ve got something useful, I’ll push it up to GitHub and publish on Splunkbase.

  • Create index in splunk fitness

Put a monitor on the directory so files automatically get indexed.

cd C:\users\Me\DropBox\Apps\tapiriik
splunk add monitor . -index fitness -sourcetype tcx

What is TCX

TCX is Training Center Database XML file. it looks like:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<TrainingCenterDatabase xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:ns2="http://www.garmin.com/xmlschemas/UserProfile/v2" xmlns:tpx="http://www.garmin.com/xmlschemas/ActivityExtension/v2" xmlns:ns5="http://www.garmin.com/xmlschemas/ActivityGoals/v1" xmlns:ns4="http://www.garmin.com/xmlschemas/ProfileExtension/v1" xmlns="http://www.garmin.com/xmlschemas/TrainingCenterDatabase/v2">
    <Activity Sport="Biking">
      <Lap StartTime="2015-05-17T07:41:32.000Z">
            <!-- Kajillions of TrackPoints -->
          <LX xmlns="http://www.garmin.com/xmlschemas/ActivityExtension/v2">

There can be lots of laps per activity and lots of activities per file. The sourcetype that I define below will kind of cater to multiple activities.

Explore the data

Now lets explore what we’ve got


Ooh that was a mistake. Splunk created an event for every single track point because it found multiple timestamps. Slow down and index=fitness | delete everything. Upload the file and create the sourcetype. We’ll move this to the app later.

Fix up the sourcetype

Look at the props.conf documentation for multiline events. There are a few things we need to set for this sourcetype

  • TIME_PREFIX = \<Id\> This seems to be the case on my Garmin activities. Not sure about other systems.
  • BREAK_ONLY_BEFORE = \<\?xml version I’ve set this to the XML declaration header. Each file is a single event so don’t break. In the future, this will change to break for <Activity>.
  • MAX_EVENTS = 999999999 Splunk breaks at 256 lines. I set this to 5 orders of magnitude higher than my biggest file
  • KV_MODE = xml to get field extractions

Save the sourcetype as tcx in the app fitness. I’m unsure about the TIME_PREFIX field, but we’re good to go for now. The props.conf stanza is

BREAK_ONLY_BEFORE = \<\?xml version
MAX_EVENTS = 999999999
category = Structured
description = Garmin Training Center Database XML File
disabled = false
pulldown_type = true
KV_MODE = xml

Data upload - round 2

Now to re-index what’s in the directory. I didn’t feel like mucking about with resetting fishbucket etc so a quick powershell line

gci | % { splunk add oneshot $_ -index fitness -sourcetype tcx }

Let’s see what we’ve got

sourcetype=tcx  | timechart count by "TrainingCenterDatabase.Activities.Activity{@Sport}"

Wahey! We’re getting some data.

Looking at the actual TCX files, I’m not sure how I’m going to deal with multi-lap events. That’s a problem for later in the post. I want to get some data out of the lap, total time, distance, calories, etc.

Alias some fields

These are the fields that I have aliased in props.conf.

FIELDALIAS-Sport = "TrainingCenterDatabase.Activities.Activity{@Sport}" AS Sport
FIELDALIAS-Cadence = TrainingCenterDatabase.Activities.Activity.Lap.Cadence AS Cadence

Now for something I haven’t been able to discover previously. How has my cadence changed over time?

index=fitness sourcetype=tcx Sport=Biking Cadence=* | timechart span=mon avg(Cadence)

This is a good start. I’ll look at pulling some information about the track points apart. I want to try to get parity with what garmin connect shows as statistics.

Published: May 18 2015

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